TIMELINE and REVIEW PROCESS For 2024 Funding Recipients
March 1, 2025 2024 Evaluation Reports Due (5:00 PM MST)
TERMS AND CONDITIONS of Grants awarded by the Sheila Fortune Foundation. These are non-recurring grants. The awarding of these grants does not constitute any obligation on the part of the Sheila Fortune Foundation (the Foundation) to make subsequent grants, nor does it preclude additional grants in the future.
Conditions: These grants are awarded based on the quality of the programs already in place, and an understanding that grant money would go as directly as possible to benefit the children in the programs. It is not the intention of the Foundation to add burdensome overhead by making conditions. However, after receiving a grant, the Foundation will request that the grantee assist us by providing us a final evaluation on the intended use of the money and on the outcome achieved. These reports can be informal, but need to include the following:
A: Provide a quantitative measure, a discussion of the number and ages of children served, frequency of their attendance at rehearsals, performances, workshops, etc., continuity, and number of scholarships awarded.
B: Provide a qualitative measure, you may address artist/instructor anecdotes or journal notes on the progress of children, as well as anecdotal reports from the children themselves, or from their parents and others.
C: Include a financial measure of the final project profit and loss statement that includes all income and expenses. If the project is part of a larger organization, include general operating profit and loss statement, as well.
D: As a measure of the youth’s developmental progress, discuss their self-definition, self-discipline, creative expression, positive social interactions with peers and adults, competence and achievements, and/or meaningful indicators of change that has occurred as a result of their participation in the program.
Evaluation reports from current grantees (2024) are due by 5:00 PM (MST) March 1, 2025.